Feelings Matter: Tips for Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child

By Maria

April 12, 2023

Raising an emotionally intelligent child is one of the most important and challenging tasks you will face as a parent. Emotionally intelligent children are better equipped to handle life's ups and downs, develop meaningful relationships, and succeed personally and professionally. As a parent, you play a critical role in helping your child develop emotional intelligence.

In this article, we will explore the critical components of raising an emotionally intelligent child and practical strategies you can use to help your child develop emotional intelligence. Whether you're a new parent or an experienced caregiver, you'll find valuable insights and actionable tips to help you raise an emotionally intelligent child.

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Understanding Emotional Intelligence

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions while also being able to identify and understand the emotions of others. It involves using emotions to guide our thoughts and actions and communicate effectively with others. According to John Gottman, author of "Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child," EI is a key factor in children's success in school and life.

EI has five key components: 

  • self-awareness,
  • self-regulation,
  • motivation,
  • empathy,  
  • social skills.

Self-awareness involves recognizing and understanding your emotions, while self-regulation involves managing and controlling those emotions. Motivation consists in using emotions to drive you toward your goals, while empathy involves being able to understand and relate to the feelings of others. Social skills include communicating effectively and building positive relationships with others. 

Benefits of Emotional Intelligence

There are many benefits to developing emotional intelligence, both for children and adults. For example, children who develop strong EI skills can better manage their emotions, form positive relationships with others, and adapt to change. They are also more likely to succeed in school and their future careers. In addition, adults with strong EI skills can better manage stress, communicate effectively with others, and build positive relationships. They are also more likely to be successful in their careers and to experience greater overall life satisfaction. 

Overall, developing emotional intelligence is an essential skill for children and adults. By recognizing and understanding our own emotions and being able to relate to the emotions of others, we can build stronger relationships and lead more fulfilling lives. 

Building Emotional Intelligence in Children

Emotional intelligence is a crucial life skill that helps individuals navigate their emotions and social interactions. As a parent, you play a vital role in helping your child develop emotional intelligence. Here are some ways you can build emotional intelligence in your child:

Modeling Emotional Intelligence

Children learn by example, so modeling emotional intelligence in your own behavior is essential. Practice self-awareness, empathy, and effective communication in interactions with your child and others. When you make mistakes, admit them and show your child how you learn from them. By modeling emotional intelligence, you give your child a valuable role model for their emotional development.

Teaching Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is the foundation of emotional intelligence. Encourage your child to identify and express their feelings. Help them recognize the physical sensations accompanying different emotions, such as a tight chest when feeling anxious or a warm feeling when feeling happy. This awareness can help your child regulate their emotions and make better decisions.

Encouraging Empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, and it's an essential component of emotional intelligence. Encourage your child to consider other people's perspectives and feelings, and help them identify and label emotions in others. You can also model empathy by showing compassion and understanding toward others.

Developing Social Skills

Social skills are critical for building positive relationships with others. Help your child develop social skills by encouraging them to communicate effectively, listen actively, and resolve conflicts constructively. Practice role-playing scenarios to help your child develop social skills in a safe and supportive environment.

Exercises for Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child

You can do many exercises with your child to build emotional intelligence. 

Identifying emotions: Encourage children to recognize and label their emotions by providing them with an emotions chart, discussing feelings openly, and using stories or movies to help them identify emotions in various scenarios.

Emotional vocabulary: Help your child develop a rich emotional language by teaching them different words to describe their feelings, using examples from daily life to illustrate these emotions.

Empathy practice: Teach children to put themselves in others' shoes by discussing how others might feel in specific situations. Encourage them to consider different perspectives and empathize with others.

Active listening: Teach your child to listen attentively to others by modeling good listening behavior, asking them to repeat what they heard, and encouraging them to ask questions or give feedback to deepen their understanding.

Emotional self-regulation: Help your child manage their emotions by teaching them self-soothing techniques such as deep breathing, counting, or visualization.

Problem-solving: Teach your child to approach conflicts or difficult emotions with a problem-solving mindset. Help them identify the issue, brainstorm solutions, and choose an appropriate action to resolve it.

Social skills: Encourage your child to develop social skills by engaging them in role-playing exercises or practicing conversation starters. Help them understand the importance of manners, eye contact, and taking turns in conversations.

Expressing gratitude: Teach your child the value of appreciation by encouraging them to say thanks for the things and people in their lives. Kids can express gratitude through verbal acknowledgments, writing thank you notes, or keeping a gratitude journal.

Mindfulness and meditation: Introduce your child to mindfulness and meditation practices to help them develop self-awareness and emotional regulation. Guided meditation, yoga, or simple breathing exercises are great ways to start.

Emotional intelligence games: Use age-appropriate games or activities focusing on emotions, such as emotion charades, "emotion detective," or storytelling with emotional themes.

Adapt these exercises to your child's age, interests, and abilities. Regular practice and positive reinforcement will help develop their emotional intelligence over time.

By building emotional intelligence in your child, you help them develop the skills to navigate their emotions and social interactions successfully. Your child can grow into a well-rounded, emotionally intelligent individual with your guidance and support.

RELATED: 10 Powerful Emotional Intelligence Activities to Raise Healthy Kids

Navigating Challenges

Raising an emotionally intelligent child can be challenging. As your child grows and develops, they will face various challenges that will test their emotional intelligence. Here are some tips for navigating these challenges:

Handling Emotions

One of the most important things you can do as a parent is to help your child learn to handle their emotions and teach them how to recognize and express their feelings healthily. Encourage your child to talk about their emotions and validate their feelings. Let them know it's okay sometimes to feel sad, angry, or frustrated.

Model healthy emotional expression yourself. Let your child see how you healthily express your own emotions. For example, if you're feeling stressed, take a few deep breaths or walk to calm down. Your behavior will help your child learn to regulate their own emotions.

Dealing with Conflict

Conflict is a normal part of life; your child will inevitably face conflicts with others. Help your child learn to resolve conflicts in a healthy way. Encourage them to listen to the other person's perspective and to express their thoughts and feelings calmly and respectfully.

Teach your child to compromise and find solutions that work for everyone involved. Model healthy conflict resolution yourself. Let your child see you positively resolve conflicts with others.

Coping with Stress

Stress is a fact of life, and your child will face stressors at various points in their life. Help your child learn healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with stress. Encourage them to take breaks when feeling overwhelmed and engage in activities that help them relax.

Teach your child to prioritize self-care, including getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising regularly. Model healthy stress management yourself, and let your child see you take care of yourself and healthily manage stress.

Emotion Books for Kids

If you want to help your child develop emotional intelligence, reading books together can be a great way to start. Here are a few books to consider for young kids:

The Feelings Book by Todd Parr - This colorful book explores a wide range of emotions and helps children understand that it's okay to feel different things.

My Many Colored Days by Dr. Seuss - This book uses colors to represent different emotions and helps children understand that feelings can change and vary.

A Little SPOT of Emotion 8 Plush Toys with Feelings Book Box by Diane Alber - The book comes with stuffed emotion spots that even the youngest kids who don't talk can use to identify their emotions. This book will also suit older kids and children with autism, ADHD, etc. 

Reading these books with your child can help them learn to identify and express their emotions healthily. It can also help them understand that everyone experiences a wide range of emotions and that it's okay to feel different things at different times.

Remember, emotional intelligence is an essential skill for your child to develop, and reading books together can be a fun and engaging way to help them do so.

Here are more ideas on emotion books for older kids:

Today, I Feel Anxious - Kid's Social Emotional Guide to Managing Their Anxiety - Discover Powerful Coping Strategies that Help Kids Calm Down - Emotions Book About Worry for Children

If you're looking for an effective way to help your child manage their anxiety, then Today, I Feel Anxious is an excellent choice. This book provides powerful coping strategies to help kids calm down and feel more in control of their emotions.


  • Today, I Feel Anxious is an excellent resource for parents and caregivers who want to help their child manage their anxiety.
  • It provides practical coping strategies kids can use to manage their anxiety, such as deep breathing, visualization, and positive self-talk.


  • Some reviewers have noted that the book may be too wordy or complicated for younger children to understand, so it is not for 3-year-olds.
  • While the book is an excellent resource for managing anxiety, it may not suit children with more severe anxiety or mental health issues.

Today, I Feel Anxious is an excellent resource for parents to help their child learn about anxiety and how to cope with it. While it may not be ideal for children with more severe anxiety or mental health issues, it's a great place to start for those looking to support their child's emotional well-being.

A Little SPOT of Emotion 8 Book Box Set

If you're looking for a comprehensive way to help your child understand and identify different emotions, the A Little SPOT of Emotion 8 Book Box Set is a great option.


  • Engaging illustrations help children visualize emotions in a relatable way
  • Each book focuses on a specific emotion, making it easy for children to understand and identify
  • Tips for managing and expressing emotions come with each book


  • The books may be too advanced for young children
  • The set is a bit pricey compared to other emotion books for kids
  • Some reviewers pointed out that the people in these books are all white, which may be problematic for kids of different ethnicities/races.

 The A Little SPOT of Emotion 8 Book Box Set is an excellent tool for parents and educators who want to help children better understand and manage their emotions. The engaging illustrations and specific focus on different emotions make it easy for children to relate and learn. However, the set may not be suitable for very young children, and the price point may be high for some customers.

Overall, we recommend the A Little SPOT of Emotion 8 Book Box Set for parents and educators who want a comprehensive and engaging way to teach children about emotions.

Thought-Spot Emotion Flipbook

The Thought-Spot Emotion Flipbook is excellent as a visual guide when introducing kids to emotions and learning emotions names.


  • It helps children with ADHD and autism better understand their feelings and communicate with others.
  • Features 18 emoji mood tabs that make it easy for kids to identify and express their emotions.


  • The book may be too simplistic for older children or those who are already familiar with emotional intelligence concepts.
  • The pages can be difficult to turn, especially for younger children.
  • As some reviewers spotted, some coping ideas presented in the book were repetitive or generic.

The Thought-Spot Emotion Flipbook is a learning game and a helpful educational tool for children with ADHD and autism, as it helps them better understand their feelings and communicate with others. With 18 different emoji mood tabs, kids can easily find and flip to the emotion or feeling that expresses their current mood. The book is designed to improve children's social skills by role-playing with parents, siblings, or other caregivers.

The large, easy-to-read laminated pages measure 8" x 8" with a built-in stand and a hardcover to protect inner tab pages. However, the book may be too simplistic for older children or those familiar with emotional intelligence concepts. The pages can be difficult to turn, especially for younger children. Some of the ideas presented in the book may be repetitive or generic.

Body Boundaries Make Me Stronger: Personal Safety Book for Kids about Body Safety, Personal Space, Private Parts and Consent that Teaches Social Skills and Body Awareness (World of Kids Emotions)


  • Introduces difficult topics in an appropriate, easy-to-understand story
  • Teaches children about body boundaries and how to keep them
  • It helps kids understand what is safe and acceptable when it comes to body boundaries


  • It does not address unwanted touch directed at girls, specifically
  • The book is aimed at older kids and is unsuitable for toddlers; 4-year-olds, however, comprehend the text well enough.

Body Boundaries Make Me Stronger is an excellent tool for parents who want to teach their kids about personal safety, body awareness, and consent. The book introduces difficult topics in an appropriate, easy-to-understand story that kids will enjoy. It teaches children about body boundaries and how to keep them and helps them understand what is safe and acceptable regarding body boundaries.

Overall, Body Boundaries Make Me Stronger is a valuable resource for parents who want to teach their kids about personal safety and body awareness. It is an engaging, informative book that kids will enjoy reading, and it provides parents with a helpful tool for starting conversations about complex topics.

The Color Monster: A Story About Emotions

The Color Monster: A Story About Emotions by Anna Llenas is a children's book that uses color-coded monsters to represent various emotions, helping children understand and express their feelings.


  • The book encourages emotional literacy by teaching children to recognize, name, and express their emotions.
  • The colorful and vivid illustrations effectively engage young readers and make the book visually appealing.
  • It is designed for young children, using simple language and concepts that are easily understandable for them.
  • By understanding their emotions, children can learn to manage and regulate their feelings, leading to improved emotional well-being.


  • While the book provides a basic understanding of emotions, it may oversimplify the complexity of human emotions for some readers.
  • The book covers only a few basic emotions, leaving out more nuanced feelings or emotions that children may experience.
  • The color-coded approach may not resonate with all children, particularly those with color vision deficiencies or those who may not relate to the specific colors chosen for each emotion.
  • By associating specific colors with particular emotions, the book may inadvertently reinforce cultural or gender stereotypes related to emotions and colors.

Overall, The Color Monster: A Story About Emotions is a valuable resource for teaching young children about emotions. It has numerous benefits, such as promoting emotional literacy and encouraging discussion. However, it may have some limitations, such as simplifying emotions and relying on color associations that may not be universally applicable.

My Moods, My Choices Emotion Flipbook

The My Moods, My Choices Emotion Flipbook is great if you're looking for an educational tool to teach kids about different moods and emotions. It's perfect for toddlers, preschool, kindergarten, and even some elementary school children and those with Autism, ADHD, or special needs.


  • Revised design with new images and actions kids can take
  • Includes 20 different moods ranging from happy to worried
  • Laminated pages and a built-in stand make it durable and easy to use


  • Dry erase marker not included for writing in own actions
  • It may not be as effective for older children 

The My Moods, My Choices Emotion Flipbook includes 20 different moods, each with corresponding positive actions that can be taken. The laminated pages and built-in stand make it easy to wipe off and display at home, school, or counseling offices. The blank space at the bottom of each page allows kids to write in their positive actions, although a dry-erase marker is not included.

This helpful learning aid is an excellent way for kids to learn about different moods and emotions in a fun and educational way. It's also an excellent tool for parents, teachers, and counselors to use when working with children struggling to identify and express their emotions.

If you're looking for an easy-to-use educational tool to help kids identify their feelings and make positive choices, the My Moods, My Choices Emotion Flipbook is definitely worth considering.

My Body Sends a Signal: Helping Kids Recognize Emotions and Express Feelings

My Body Sends a Signal: Helping Kids Recognize Emotions and Express Feelings by Natalia Maguire teaches children to recognize the physical signals their bodies send when experiencing different feelings.


  • The book promotes emotional awareness by teaching children to recognize and understand the physical sensations associated with different emotions.
  • By identifying the signals their bodies send, children can learn to regulate their emotions better
  • The illustrations feature diverse characters, promoting inclusivity and making the book relatable to a wider range of readers.


  • Not all children may experience the same physical sensations when feeling a particular emotion, which could lead to confusion or misinterpretation.
  • While the book provides a basic understanding of emotions, it may oversimplify the complexity of human emotions for some readers.

In summary, My Body Sends a Signal: Helping Kids Recognize Emotions and Express Feelings offers valuable lessons for children in understanding and managing their emotions. It promotes emotional awareness and encourages communication between children and caregivers. 


You have now learned the importance of raising an emotionally intelligent child. You have discovered that emotional intelligence is key to a child's future success and happiness. You have also learned practical tips for helping your child develop emotional intelligence.

Remember that raising an emotionally intelligent child is a process that takes time and effort. It requires you to be patient, empathetic, and supportive. You must also be willing to model emotional intelligence and create a safe and nurturing environment for your child to grow and learn.

One of the most important things you can do is to listen to your child and validate their feelings, which will help them develop a strong sense of self-worth and confidence. You can also encourage your child to express their emotions healthily and teach them how to manage them effectively.

Finally, remember that emotional intelligence is not just for children. You can also benefit from developing your own emotional intelligence as a parent. Doing so allows you to model healthy emotional behaviors for your child and create a more harmonious and fulfilling family dynamic.

Hi, I'm  Maria, the main author of the Smart Parenting Guide

A former scientist, I went through a significant shift in personal and professional interests after I became a mom myself. Diving deep in the field of child's brain development, I understood the importance of this knowledge for regular parents. In this project, I aim to provide busy parents with the most effective and easy-to-apply tools to promote their child's potential in the new ever-changing world. I am sure that through a comprehensive development of the brain, emotions, will power, and creativity, we can prepare our children to live and thrive in any future world.

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